Unit Tests Explained To Managers In 10 points. Test Culture Episode 12.

Here are 10 reasons why you, as a manager,  should care about unit tests. It’s a summary of this series of 12 articles on unit tests for managers. Continue reading “Unit Tests Explained To Managers In 10 points. Test Culture Episode 12.”

Combien coûtent les tests unitaires ?

Les radins calculent le coût uniquement en terme d’argent. Mais si vous voulez un logiciel parfaitement testé, il faut considérer le tableau dans son ensemble.

C’est la grande question de cette série de 12 articles sur les tests unitaires pour les managers (en anglais). Ceci est l’épisode 11.

Continue reading “Combien coûtent les tests unitaires ?”

Test Culture Episode 8. Moving Sh*t Around.

« If you don’t have unit tests, you are not refactoring, you are just moving shit around »

I’m so sorry. I could not find the source of this quote. But you get the meaning anyways. Or maybe not… Maybe you just think that unit tests are optional and refactoring is even more optional.

Continue reading “Test Culture Episode 8. Moving Sh*t Around.”

Test Culture Episode 7. “Tests Are Broken ? Let’s Ignore Them !”

No.  You can’t !

As a manager the only bossy instruction you should give is :

 “Don’t you ever shut down a crashing test ! Fix it now !”

Continue reading “Test Culture Episode 7. “Tests Are Broken ? Let’s Ignore Them !””

Test Culture Episode 6 : Unit Tests Are Better Than Excellent Specifications

Let me rephrase : GOOD unit tests are better than excellent specifications.
Unit tests actually ARE the specifications.