Test Culture Episode 7. “Tests Are Broken ? Let’s Ignore Them !”

No.  You can’t !

As a manager the only bossy instruction you should give is :

 “Don’t you ever shut down a crashing test ! Fix it now !”

Continue reading “Test Culture Episode 7. “Tests Are Broken ? Let’s Ignore Them !””

Test Culture Episode 6 : Unit Tests Are Better Than Excellent Specifications

Let me rephrase : GOOD unit tests are better than excellent specifications.
Unit tests actually ARE the specifications.

Test Culture Episode 1. The 101 Unit Testing Guide For Busy Managers.

So you want to install a test culture in your team/department ?

Maybe you’ve already done a great deal  by appointing a Test Supervisor that checks every aspect of the finished product. That’s terrific. Congratulations.

But there are still bugs ?  Your team is telling you that this little change you asked took the all system down ? How comes ?

Continue reading “Test Culture Episode 1. The 101 Unit Testing Guide For Busy Managers.”

DoodleTop : I doodle on my desk and I like it.

Creativity comes from exposing ideas to others, sometimes using simple doodles on a piece of paper.

Then how not to waste 3 tons of paper just for “napkin doodles/diagrams” ?How to keep track of urgent tasks without using a boring text file somewhere in your computer, or to use a notebook you’ll never open ?

DoodleTop is my response : let me introduce you my invention to literally draw on your desk !

Continue reading “DoodleTop : I doodle on my desk and I like it.”