PMBA Going on…in my ears

I’m currently reading 10 Days to Faster Reading. It’s great to see improvement while reading. A stopwatch is needed, so I can’t read exactly when I want.

The moments where I have time to read is actualy : in my car, while shaving, while cleaning dishes… That’s when I can’t hold a book, but when my mind is free and I’m alone. The two essential condition to me for reading.

This is why I decided to listen to the books of the PMBA list (at least those I can find in audio form).

So far I’ve listened to :

Out of the PMBA I also listened to

  • “Cult Holmes” (funny for a fan of Sherlock Holmes like me)
  • “How to get anyone to do anything” (not so good).

Today I began Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High.

That’s magic. 5 books in 3 weeks ! And I’ll never be bored again in traffic jams.

Of course I still love to read the normal way. I will finish “faster reading” to be able to continue without distractions. I received “Strenght finder 2.0” wich I’m eager to read too.

And you ? What do you read ? Do you listen to books ? When is the most favorable time to read for you ?

Author: Jean-Baptiste Rieu

Trained software engineer and now product manager. I ❤️ #space #architecture #typography #books #games #verticalfarming. I do #productmanagement #software #abtesting #data. I work on #payment @sundayapp_ Blogging mostly to practice writing, and to engage with others on life in Korea, products, engineering, books and anything worth geeking about.

6 thoughts on “PMBA Going on…in my ears”

  1. Je lis le plus dans les transports (RER et Tram). Pas tous les jours facile, mais au moins je rentabilise 2H par jours et cela me permet de lire presqu’un livre par semaine 🙂
    Sinon, j’ai du mal à “écouter” un livre, mon esprit papillonne trop.

    J’attends avec impatience par contre les résultats de ton strengthsFinder.

    PS : j’ai trop la flemme de te suivre dans de l’anglais 🙂

  2. Même chose je suis plus dans le livre papier sur lequel je peux surligner …
    passer à un format ebook + audio ca pourrait être très pratique 🙂

    Bon je lis pas super vite par contre 🙂

  3. Great idea. I wish I could practice piano that way 😀 Can you complete this post for me, telling how you find these audiobooks? In which language? And are they all / almost all / almost none available?

    I don’t read that way (yet), but Marine does, and prefers when author him/herself is reading, and helps understanding the ideas thanks to his voice hints. However you can’t easily skip boring chapters…

    Anyway Jean-Baptiste, stop reading all these books, and READ FIRST Pamela Slim’s “Escape from cubicle nation”. I won’t stop telling you until you read it 🙂

  4. For the moment, only 10% of the books in the Personal MBA are available. But it’s a growing trend. Amazon offers them trhoug it’s Audible website.

    It’s almost all in english. Hence it’s another way to practice.

    I’ll read it (As soon as I find it in audio !)

  5. Effectivement, le papier permet de choisir son rythme et de noter, etc… Parfois je lis aussi des passages du livres en plus de l’audio.

    En revanche pour lire plus vite : 10 days for faster reading (ou un équivalent français) : ça marche !

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