Still on my frenetic audio book sprint I finished in 2 weeks :
- Crucial Conversations
- Made to Stick
- The Goal
- The 7-Habits Of Hightly Effective People
Actually with this method you can rapidely be overwhelmed. You shall :
- Only listen in your car (I listen while shaving and dish washing but it’s to much.)
- Slow down some times by not listening for one day. Just taking time to think.
- Review it by writing a small article on each book. Even if somebody else did it.
- Use a spreadsheet or any other mean to keep track of what you read. Otherwise you will loose sense of priority. In my Excel page for the Personal MBA I also put price of the books, and rate my desire to read them from 0 to 3. Then I can sort to determine what will be my next reading/listening.
- Read a book in parallel (fiction is a good idea to breathe a little).
I apply only a few of this tips for the moments. But writing them today helps me realize what I should do.
I’m listening to Pamela Slim’s” Escape from cubicle nation”. And I’m reading “Strength finder 2.0”.
And you ? What are you listening ? If you are following the PMBA program, what is you strategy ? Do you read by price/availability or just in random order or by category ? I’m really curious about it.
Cool, man. Will you write a blog post saying at the end your favorite books? And which ones actually had an impact on your life?
I don’t follow the PMBA and usually do not buy books. I buy a book if it’s really a best seller (like Rework).
In Canada, I used to go to the library. They had all these books in Calgary. With my own books, I trade them with friends.
Is there any good book-trading platform out there?
Do you use Shelfari to track your books?
By the way, can you keep your audio books somewhere in your hard drive for me? 🙂
I think I’ll review them quickly. The problem is that to have an impact you must take some time and do some exercises. While listening to a lot of books in a short amount of time, I lose track of those exercises.
Since most of the books are in english (audio or written) it’s hard to trade them in France.
I’m on Shelfari and other sites but I prefer using Amazon and Excel as my read/want to read places. It’s easy to see the price of a book and sort them by priority.
Thanks again for your suggestions.