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Nothing interesting here. Except for some advice or refeflections about self-management.
I went to the WHSmith library the other day. I was looking for some PBMA books to buy. It’s more expensive than amazon. So I took this book thinking it was the real “Getting Things Done”. But it was not the same…
Anyways I read it. Here is what I remember.
The book is divided into short chapters (what I like since I’ve been doing micro-reading lately). I read during breakfast, during a SVN Checkout, during a break…
It’s about managing your time. More than that : it’s about managing risks : if I forget to do this, what is the risk ? Should I do that before ? etc… Intersting approach to time management.
The most useful part is the one explaining this principle : never allow yourself to add something to your todo-list if you can do it NOW.
That’s what I did for this article. I was going for adding it to my todo-list. But I realized it would be easier to write it now quickly.
To quote Rework : Good enough is fine. Go for small victories.
Small articles are better than no article.
And you ? What are you reading lately ? Did you ever buy a book by mistake ?